Canada Peace, Order and Good Government

This isn’t really political, it is a Canadian quest for Peace, Order and Good Government.

It is about going back to what we had before the 1974 treason fiasco and 1982 treason and coup d’état.

All the way back to Confederation, what it was, still is legally and what is envisioned.

Please check out the table of contents right here at
POGG_Vision - pro-active-personal.pdf
Also, please review POGG_intro.pdf & Policy_Vision.pdf

Policy Development Proposals for peace, order and good government!

A book and collection of pdfs is en route...

For real Canadians, and other people...just so you know...

Freedom of choice, please pick one….
you can:

Yield to peace, order and good government
(1867 Confederation - British North America Act)
Legal and lawful


Die from crime, treason, genocide and war…
1982 Constitution