Gouvernement Fédéral
Canada - Vision F contre Crime, trahison, génocide, la guerre et immoralite (CTGGI - l'ennemie de liberalisme)
ADE Association District Électorale
Province et Territoire
Quelque chose interessant, incroyable:
Etonnant journaliste investigative Canadien, le pre-eminent source concernant le seulment LEGAL - British North America Act of 1867 contre ILLEGAL Canadian Constitution of 1982.
Decouverte l'actualite de Paix, Ordre et le Bon Gouvernement pour l'Union du Canada, contre le Crime, Trahison, Génocide, la Guerre et l'Immoralité de le super imposition du Libéralisme et Globalisme
https://nosnowinmoscow.net : Canada - How the Communists Took Control
- An incredible degree of research and resources concerning tragic and traumatic events of crime, genocide and treason against Canada and Canadians on an unparalleled and unprecedented scale. You will never look at people in government the same again. Shocking no doubt, only matched by the revelation of the fantastic effort to censor the real news and hide the evil committed by guilty people.
https://modernfathers1867.wordpress.com/ : expanded perspective and awareness from another dedicated, courageous person who has the integrity and tenacity to express something very important...
https://insidethefeatherbedfile.wordpress.com/ : The Story of Treason in Ottawa
https://patriationandlegitamacyofthecanadianconstitution.wordpress.com : Amazing
https://downwithhate.wordpress.com & https://adrienarcandbooks.net
https://habeascorpuscanada.com - the official legal challenge to the North American Union
Questions, Comments and Intel, please use Contact Canada Confederation form.