Le génocide par Vaccine : Vaccine-Genocide
Traduction en route…
Now some of this is technical, but worth being informed about, as in get armed with intel, not just guns and ammo…
‘The Deception of Virology & Vaccines — Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious’
‘Vaccine Science and the Intentional Myth of ‘Contagious’ – Coronavirus Explained’
‘Pro-Vaccination Death Knell’
‘The Veiled History of Polio and How it Relates to Current Vaccination’
‘The Dangerous Effects of Vaccines — Germ Theory Deception & The True Function of Viruses’
‘The Science Behind Autism and its Correlation with Vaccinations’
Getting before reddit deletes it…
Save it, mail it, promote it, live life at a whole new level…
in addition to what is already included in this article, more updates at the end…
Problèmes de vaccin :
Tout aussi pire et diabolique est l’accent que sur "Le vaccin" Le vaccin vous sauvera! Oh vraiment, il n’y a aucune preuve d’un vaccin sauver quelqu’un, au lieu de cela nous avons des lésions cérébrales neurotoxiques permanentes et toutes sortes de problèmes de santé vraiment horribles des vaccins. En fait, aux États-Unis, il y a eu une prise de conscience de masse considérable de la guerre génocidaire très réelle des vaccins contre les citoyens américains... Médias? Pas question, vous n’avez jamais entendu ou vu quoi que ce soit à ce sujet dans les médias, n’est-ce pas ?
Découvrez Jon Rapporport-nomorefakenews.com
Vaxxed, je pense que c’est un film ou un film que vous pouvez regarder, il ya une révolution en cours et les sociétés de génocide vaccin peur de perdre du terrain, et de l’argent, et d’avoir la vérité, et leurs programmes d’extermination sera ... sont maintenant touchés, mais attendez, quelqu’un a inventé une bio-arme, et quelqu’un a des kits de test, qui sait si elles travaillent, ou comment ils sont fiables, comme cela n’a jamais été validé, non?
Oh regardez tout le monde veut un vaccin, hmmm, les faire attendre, gonfler le nombre de décès comme étant causée par "Le virus" rendre les gens hystériques avec des attaques de panique, faire les gens exigent le vaccin, même en espèces moins la société, quel bonus, wow. Attendez, que diriez-vous de continuer avec le génocide, après tout, c’est vraiment une bio-arme et il ya beaucoup trop de gens sur la planète de toute façon, à droite ... Pas de soucis, il y a une douzaine de bio-armes efficaces, qui peuvent transformer le monde en paradis de la mort, tous saluent les monstres sociopathes mondialistes du réchauffement climatique et du changement climatique, oui, détruisez toute vie, sauvez la planète... Mme interférence muffet avec le patch d’huile serait extatique, ou quelque chose comme ça ...
Personne dans les médias grand public ne parle beaucoup de mesure de la santé sont-ils? Eh bien, ils le sont ? Corruption Deep State of Affairs...
SVP regarde : https://thetruthaboutvaccines.com
Dr Joseph Mercola:
American National Vaccine Plan
Corona vaccine will bypass safety testing
Intel from the visionary Mike Adams: health, government & news
Vaccines and Coronavirus 5G bio-weapon alternatives
Is anyone talking about alternatives to vaccines against the Coronavirus bio-weapon?
Now going on to more recent developments from the early 20th century by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, an extremely brilliant inventor, here are some links, the American Medical Association and other genocide maniacs that don't like people having health or independence…or truth…or personal empowerment, aka freedom…no worries, if you don't know about it, it has been censored for nearly 100 years…except in England and Germany, where some of the most brilliant and open minded people still invent and build interesting gadgets and machinery, except in Germany with the latest round of panic attacks, they have not remembered the genius of the German people who already invented technology that would destroy the Coronavirus (the multi virus bio-weapon) in a blink of an eye…maybe we should send them a strategic airlifter load to get started…maybe a trade for Black Forest cake or German coffee cake, (ingredients measured by weight, not volume) they still have little bake shops there, right? After all, they are Aryans too, and if it wasn't for all the deception and proxy warfare of the previous century, life would have been pretty good, but you can always check out: https://www.realhistorychannel.org/ and discover something like that to expand your awareness of reality beyond the confines of dumbed down education, mainstream media, revisionist history and stuff like that…you will be shocked, at least surprised, and maybe even validated with the truth that has been hidden all along…the truth, hmmm, there are those that hate the truth, usually they make up hate laws so you can't talk about it, the truth, yikes, talk about revolutionary, OMG! What a disaster!!!
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife and the Rife Machine
Forgotten Genius: Royal Raymond Rife - Be Hive Of Healing
Royal Rife machine
Rife machines | Complementary and alternative therapy ...
Alternative Health:
This kind of technology is known to many people who are into what is called Vibrational Medicine, there are books on it and the science is extremely validated and dependable, in addition to other healing modalities that can be utilized…
This is quite interesting as many cancers or other diseases have been engineered as a GMO bio-weapon…known as coronavirus, COVID-19, yeah, another acronym thanks to the cosmic joker…so with the right technology everything lives and dies by frequency…
COVID-19 acronym:
Cashless - Control Freak - conspiracy
Vector - Vendetta - Violence
Imposed by - invisible genocide & warfare
Demons Democratically - Demonrats - destroyers
1 chance at the vaccine
9 lives, 9 cartels that rule the world
Equality: everyone poor, sick, diseased, stupid, enslaved, powerless
Bill Gates genocide maniac: and Micrsoft is garbage, much better off with open source GnuLinux