Le-Virus-de-penser-et-esprit : The-Mind-Virus
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Le virus de l’esprit dans la chaîne de commandement:

La chaîne de commandement ne fonctionne pas, avec un ministre de la Défense dans le style, le type, le caractère, la nationalité, la religion ou toute autre chose, comme nous l’avons fait aujourd’hui. Comme respect, honneur et devoir, intégrité et loyauté, qui comprend la capacité de faire des sacrifices, et un réel effort dans la cause du pays. Donc le problème est l'ennemie invisible "The Hidden Enemy", ennemis étrangers et domestiques, le virus mind, qui rationalise qu’il est ok et acceptable, et toute personne qui se plaint, est un raciste. Quel que soit le rang ou la mission, il est essentiel que le personnel des Forces armées ait confiance dans la chaîne de commandement, y compris la confiance, la foi, la croyance en faisant la bonne chose pour les bonnes raisons. La confiance comprend le respect, l’Intel solide, pas les mensonges. La merd du taureau ou la vache et récits officiels... Bien sûr, il peut y avoir d’autres événements plus intéressants en cours en arrière-plan qui ont besoin d’une distraction, parfois une opération spéciale implique plusieurs niveaux de furtivité, intrigue, distraction et plus pour la tâche réussie.

Pour la plupart des gens dans une relation, la confiance, le respect, l’amour et la loyauté vont de pair. Aimez votre pays, en êtes fier. Si l’on examine la mission de défense, cela devrait être évident.

Les forces armées ne sont pas un lieu d’une expérience sociale, par certains libéraux fétoty homo-fasciste pervers sexuel anti-nation programme mondialiste de l’État qui déteste les vrais Canadiens, (ou tout autre citoyen dans leur pays correspondant, l’Amérique, la France, l’Allemagne, l’Angleterre, etc.)

Les vrais Canadiens sont le peuple fondateur et la preuve du génocide et de la guerre en cours en ce moment, dans l’acte de trahison totale contre le Canada en tant qu’unité politique avec le territoire et le peuple. L’ouverture des frontières et les personnes qui font preuve de bon sens quant à ce qu’est un risque pour la sécurité nationale constituent un risque pour la sécurité nationale. Même sans loi sur la trahison, c’est toujours de la trahison, en plus d’être totalement stupide, d’être engagé dans "Crime, trahison, génocide, guerre et immoralité"

Valeurs vraies et caractère réel par rapport au virus de l’esprit dans le gouvernement:

La confiance et le respect doivent aller à un niveau supérieur qui comprend, le premier ministre, et peut également inclure le gouverneur général du Canada, qui devrait être ultra patriotique et ultra nationaliste, plein de sagesse, de dignité, de pouvoir, de loyauté et d’intégrité. Le premier ministre et le gouverneur général doivent tous deux être exempts du virus Mind, et non contaminés, incorruptibles avec le genre d’intégrité, de dignité, de majesté et d’excellence qui mérite le respect et la confiance, la loyauté et de bonnes relations solides à long terme fondées sur les principes et les valeurs des bonnes. Cela nécessite du caractère, pas des robots d’un programme de contrôle de l’esprit basé sur les traumatismes de la CIA. Cela nécessitait des personnes dévouées avec du caractère, de la sagesse et une expérience éprouvée. Nous avons un long chemin à parcourir, et notre soi-disant "Tolérance" est bullshitt.

Jetez un coup d’œil à l’élection, parlez de fraude électorale, c’est l’euphémisme de l’année. Si les libéraux obtenaient plus de voix et que les conservateurs devenaient le parti au pouvoir, ce serait un scandale, n’est-ce pas?Lorsque les petites villes ont plusieurs associations de circonscriptions électorales pour dévot d’énormes zones de terre et de personnes, c’est aussi la fraude électorale du libéralisme et une partie de ce qu’on appelle la démocide, la destruction de la démocratie. Regardez Brampton et Scarborough pour un bon exemple, et divers aspects de GTA Toronto...

La vie quotidienne avec le virus de l’esprit:

Le virus de l'esprit et CoronaVirus 5G bio-arme travaillent ensemble pour s’assurer que vous avez une belle journée en enfer sur terre, pas le ciel sur terre. Le virus Mind compromet le système immunitaire, qui dans ce cas, comprend la Défense nationale. Le stress peut causer la dépression qui affecte le système immunitaire, nos pensées peuvent être la vie de soutien ou de nature destructrice, nos pensées ont un effet sur notre vitalité, ainsi que notre fonction immunitaire.

Mainstream Fakestream médias de masse:
La majorité du stress subi par les Canadiens est causé par le gouvernement, en particulier des personnes spécifiques au gouvernement, qui sont corrompus et contaminés par le virus Mind, ainsi que les médias de masse avec leur marque infinie de programmes corrosifs et destructeurs qui propage le virus de l’esprit et contamine les personnes autrement en bonne santé, à une guerre perpétuelle implacable.

Mainstream Media, en plus du déploiement massif de fronts marxistes culturels, tous ces éléments sont extrêmement dangereux car le virus de l’esprit est bien pire que le Coronavirus, même si une bio-arme avancée existe et fonctionne à un niveau physique, le virus de l’esprit fonctionne à un niveau mental, il accède à des niveaux d’esprit conscient et inconscient, il agit pour effectuer vos émotions et processus de pensée , de corrompre et de détruire vos valeurs, votre éthique, votre morale ou de vous détruire totalement à la fin pour ne pas se conformer.

Dans les médias de masse, si vous regardez par exemple le degré de désinformation, de tromperie, l’omission de faits pertinents et de partialité, et d’autres aspects tels que la peur, la répétition excessive, seulement certains types de «figures d’autorité» avec des ordres du jour secrets et des arrière-pensées, et cela peut également inclure les attaques incessantes à nouveau le gars blanc droit, la famille et des exemples extrêmes de mélange de race (miscegenation) , la promotion et l’élévation des non-blancs tout en rétrogradant ou en excluant les Blancs (ou en les présentant de mauvaise façon) dans la publicité, les programmes, les films, la télévision, l’emploi et les possibilités de carrière, tout ce qui sont des agents d’exploitation de virus de l’esprit au travail.

Pour un contraste et un point de référence, dans la Bible, qui est le prince de la puissance de l’air? Vous en avez peut-être entendu parler par l’intermédiaire d’un prédicateur plus fondamentaliste, du bien et du mal, du bien et du mal... Comment le Prince diffuse-t-il ? Les médias de masse, la radio, la télévision, les documents imprimés, les attitudes et l’agenda super imposés, comme le marxisme culturel, les personnes toxiques et les attitudes.

Qu’est-ce qui est diffusé dans les médias de masse? Humeurs, attitudes, pensées pré-dominantes, la peur, le contrôle de l’esprit basé sur les traumatismes, la répétition, les croyances erronées, comme un pirate, fonctions mentales de bas niveau un peu comme le BIOS sur un ordinateur typique qui commence avant le système principal d’exploitation. Cet as va à l’esprit subconscient, qui ne manque rien, même si vous êtes daltonien, ou plutôt avoir des différences de reconnaissance de couleur, le subconscient peut remarquer pratiquement n’importe quoi. Donc, sachant que, il est beaucoup mieux de regarder très peu de télévision et surtout la télévision haute définition qui peut être utilisé à un degré encore plus grand de contrôle numérique accédant à l’esprit subconscient, en utilisant sublliminal, pas si subliminal et l’hypnose réelle ...

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the Test.

en route…

Corruption & Corrosion versus everyone:
Your outlook and attitude is influenced by those elements, going forward, it takes considerable self-control, self discipline and self management, a fierce and loyal dedication to spiritual values, and spiritual self defence. It is eminently worthwhile to recognize the enemy, what the weapons are, both visible and invisible, and govern ourselves accordingly as the saying goes. The Mind Virus is extremely dangerous and deceptive, make no mistake about it, make no concessions with it.

When you look at the Mind Virus from another level, much like the Coronavirus or other bio-weapon, it can serve a higher purpose, which is based on the attack against the immune function, (this includes the government, society, national defence) the physical and spiritual aspects of the person and nation for a much bigger point of view. The capability to corrupt and destroy, make sick at the physical and mental level exists, what is essential is a healthy lifestyle, based on True Values, Nation Building, Character Building and other excellent characteristics and endeavours. This includes thinking, actions, attitudes.

The Mind Virus is a test against the Spiritual Survival Value of the Entity that it is attacking…it is spiritual warfare that covertly operates also at mental, emotional, psychological and physical levels. Physical healing is one thing, but if you have a cancer generator cell, such as typically engineered into most vaccines, then the cancer can regenerate literally at a physical level, this means that the vaccine is also a bio-weapon, even as the Mind Virus is like extremely bad computer virus, like bad code, or what is known as Advanced Persistent Threats, which is both a mind virus and computer virus at work. What is not recognized is the need for a different operating system, in the case of computers, open source, with open source hardware and software including the BIOS like LibreBoot. Ginger gets rid of the cancer generator stem cells permanently…

Restoring the original 1867 Confederation Operating System and True Values is essential…

In America, the solution is the real Constitution, not a corrupt code of conduct based on Crime, Treason, Genocide, War and Immorality…

If you really look at the title and position of the Governor General, you may notice that there is considerable power and authority there, this should not be another Social Experiment by crypto communists and cultural marxist, anti Canadian or anti white or anti nation state with the corresponding corruption of values, respect, trust and integrity that should exist. In the future, if we don't get our act together, and go back to basics of Peace, Order and Good Government for the Union of Canada, then maybe the
Kingof.UK will do it, but that is not how it is working, only real patriots, nationalist and people of character who actually prove themselves to actively transform and restore proper government and the proper British North America Act of 1867 from the illegal coup d'etat of the super imposed counterfeit 1982 Constitution, will stand a chance to qualify for anything so noble, this is much like, seek you first the Kingdom of God and the search for the Holy Grail, which is about character and righteousness, that is doing the right thing…

The Mind Virus Problem in society:
The various versions of the Mind Virus is actually diabolical, that particular mutated mind virus of corrupt money decisions also can affect anyone else at any time, by the corruption of values, character, morality and dignity. You will notice this with government hand outs, welfare schemes and scams, wealth transfer crimes of steal from those have who worked for it
, and give to those who don't work.

The fact of the Mind Virus at work with the reality of sexual perversion, immorality, degeneracy in government, law, education, mass media that offers plenty of corrupt, corrosive and degenerate nation destroying, family destroying, individual destroying programming and society suffers at many levels, often with other forms of cancer and problems too numerous to get into here, all that is is total national security risk of the highest levels, and how the straight white man is discriminated against also.

That Mind Virus needs to be totally destroyed, the communication infrastructure, the people doing it involved in treason, subversion, and other corruption need to be dealt with appropriately. Take a good look at who owns, controls, votes, edits and produces those corruption programs, it is part of the Protocols, it is an operating system, based on allegiance to a foreign government that masquerades as a religion and agenda that is totally alien and dangerous to us…demonic to the core…

The good news that in the Bible, it is written, "I will break the pride of your power" so this means the telecommunication mass media and financial industry economic control system that is controlled by the existing globalist, will be destroyed, it is prophecy.

Only whites are racist, we are told over and over again, through the mass media, the mainstream fakestream media in addition to the corrupt and corrosive toxic atmospheres found in schools, colleges, universities and work places, where whitey is disenfranchised, alienated and defrauded

Almost Nobody talks about the super-achieving Whitey, and what it takes to be, to do, to experience, to acieve, to acquire, to build, to invest, to dream, to risk, to sacrifice, to have vision, to transform thought into reality, to build character and exercise self control and self discipline and self management, to express the best of who you are and live a life with purpose, once you find out what that purpose is. Look around. People trying to build up society and an advanced civilization and those trying to destroy it, the mind virus at work.

Another Mind Virus, much worse than the Coronavirus, the Chinese Virus, it is actually more like the Judaeo-communism Virus, the Cultural Marxist Virus. This works well with globalism, destroy industries, enterprise, liquidate entire companies, counterfeit technology and products, make people and management sick, destroy society and community, make people fearful, introduce isolation for further trauma based mind control, shut down the economy, introduce a more diabolical solution that was intended all along. Take about interference and putting your big nose where it does not belong, like go back to your sand box and and ghetto and stay there.

Remember the publicity of "It's OK to be white" ?

Why the big problem and animosity to whitey? Whitey is privileged, yes, because we normally have true values and solid character, industrious work ethic and brilliant individual creative imagination, we have wealth and power, we worked hard, disciplined ourselves, worked together in the spirit of co-operation, we pioneered, invented, explored, had adventure and travel, for those lucky one, got married and had or have or will have families…

Of course some people have difficulty with this in the dumbed down super imposed garbage education propaganda anti values anti family education system…if it's all our fault, maybe everyone else should go back to the stone age, have nothing, be nothing, achieve nothing.

The anti white race traitor invasion is a mind virus, the invasion is a cancer, the invasion is based on the cultural marxist operating system, the slogan "diversity is strength", is true for non-whites against white, but a lie and deception against the white people, it is a codeword for white genocide. Race mixing is a mind virus, it is enforced in mass media and entertainment and other corrosive and corrupting influence. Review the PM JT quote on replacing whitey…

The anti white mind virus invasion is engineered to replace the founding people, with an illegal constitution and the illegal Citizens Act and the illegal multi-cult Multicultural Act by people totally unfit to govern anything or make wise decisions on anything based on the illegal 1982 Constitution that acts as a terrorist tool in the use of force or the threat of the use of force, while enforcing : Crime, Treason, Genocide, War and Immorality. All the illegal things contrary to the 1867 Confederation, follow the same pattern.

Invasion at the Border - the mind virius in action:
On top of that we still have the famous Roxham Road, with the open invite to all the idiots and traitors in the world, that do not have basic character or work ethic for nation building and are totally incompatible with real Canadian values, not the super imposed liberal fascist values. Any of those people are an immediate burden, threat and risk to Canada and Canadians, they are a virus, they are invaders, they are using and engaged in mutual crime and treason with governing criminals and traitors to conduct more of the same in addition to war, genocide and immorality.

Endgangering Defence Personnel - another mind virus at work:
Flying so called Canadian back to Canada from China to the Canadian Forces Base was an act of genius, with the potential to wipe out the Canadian military, thanks, especially knowing that the incubation period can be as much as 30 days and not 14 days like commonly promoted by mainstream fakestream news media and the official narrative…but of course, if there really is no coronavirus, and it is all a 5G cause and effect, then the control of society by fear, ignorance and other special effects is criminal in itself, however, there is more to the story…attempted genocide against Defence personnel, the PM threat to Canadian National Security…and what does the Minister of Defence have to say about that?

the fact is, there really are bio-weapons, there really are 5G symptoms that are exactly alike the so called coronavirus, and a so called novel or new, never before encounter bio-weapon, presents many unknown elements in how to deal with that. You might say, Who could be more prepared to deal with that than the Military? What if it could wipe out the Military, if it can "escape" from a bio-weapons lab, a BSL-4 facility or something like that, what about anywhere else?

Multi-virus invasion
Simply looking at the intel of people quitting the Armed forces and all the social experiments going on, it would be a total conflict of interest, duty, valour, patriotism, pride in one's country and profession as well as a total breach of trust to continue.
Treason is a mind virus. Is is evident to people in the Armed Forces that they could be being utilized and deployed in a psychological operation, whether enforced media narrative, the invisible enemy or otherwise, or other fool (a new word/phrase) …The first rule, is, identify the enemy…we have duality and multi levels of multi virus with multi cult engaged in multiple theatre of operations…

The Positive Military with the Armed Forces deployment is one thing if it is a cover story to round up criminals, traitors and perverts,

The Negative Military with the Armed Forces deployment is another story to establish and technocratic tyranny super imposed with a 5G weapon system deployed for sickness, disease, pain and death, and conveniently blame it on the Coronavirus.

"I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life so that you and your decendents may live, for why should you die?" that is in the Bible…

Moral Courage & spiritual survival value in National and Civil Defence:

What is it going to be, moral courage to do the right thing and not do the wrong thing, completely stop the wrong thing. Take a look at the Defence Mission, who in government, mass media, education, justice or otherwise is a national security threat? What about the entities, organizations and groups pushing to change our laws, they are also a national security threat, not too mention as previously engaged in hate and breaking their own hate law, collaborateurs and conspiring also with people in government, mutually engaged in "crime, treason, genocide, war and immorality" this is all a national security threat on a massive scale, in addition to being a national security threat against the Defense Mission and Defense Personnel.

You can't have a country run by a bunch of homo fascists, liberal fascists, traitors, criminals, perverts and sociopaths, neither can you have a country that owns, controls, votes, writes and edits the majority of the mass media, by people who are anti-nation state sovereignty and involved in corrosion and corruption of society, against true values, family values, free enterprise, nation building and the list goes on and on, national security threats everywhere in addition to the destruction of the Arsenal of Democracy by people that want to control everything.