La-Guerre-économique : Economic War
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For those who recoil about the concept of holy spirit and spiritual discernment, we can simplify that with being civilized or not, good and evil, wise and unwise, and also as you already know, Peace, Order and Good Government for the Union of Canada, versus Crime, Treason, Genocide, War and Immorality, for the destruction of Canada, the destruction of values, the destruction of industry, the destruction of character, and the destruction of Life, the destruction of wealth, prosperity and providence which we had before the changes to the Bank of Canada and the creation of Treasury Bonds and electronic debt money creation.
Once upon a time, it was real Canadians, the founding people, who are the only legitimate people with enforceable law which is the 1867 British North America Act. Now we have financial cancer thanks to people who go out of their way to destroy national security, total war. Now of course if we look at the perspective as the government for being a front for a criminal organization, then no wonder we have problems….
It was better with CD Howe and Graham Towers, better without debt and compound interest, it was better with old school trades and people with character and families. It was the good old days, family, unity, trust, co-operation, Made in Canada, real opportunity and real wealth…bought and paid for…worked, saved and invested… - AI simulation for the coronavirus biowarfare
Covid-19 Coronavirus is a useful tool for economic warfare, deflation and crashing the economy, making people poor and vulnerable with all kinds of corresponding other inter-related problems. Driving down values and having money in place to buy up assets, companies, infrastructure is what is going on behind the scenes.
Industrial enterprise and infrastructure liquidation, as in, little of no manufacturing, has been gong on for some time, thanks to the visionary globalist and treasonous governments selling out their country and industry and enterprise, and now, with financial challenges, what is left is threatened with a super imposed economic war. This includes currency war, stock market war, with the use of automated trading algorythms and of course actual people with an agenda.