Ennemie-vrai-et-la-guerre-vraie : The real enemy and real war
Traduction en route…
Donc, en réalité, le virus de la Chine n’est qu’une partie du problème et les problèmes sont temporaires, si nous traitons avec eux. Le véritable ennemi et la vraie guerre sont ceux qui sont engagés dans: Crime, Trahison, Génocide, Guerre et Immoralité contre notre pays, c’est le virus de la Constitution 1982, qui est totalement différent de la nation construisant la fondation de la paix, l’ordre et le bon gouvernement, qui comprend patriotes, nationalistes, personnes avec sagesse, courage et courage moral pour aller de l’avant avec la confiance dans ceux qui luttent contre l’ennemi.
Tactiques de l’ennemi:
Isoler les gens, les garder dans l’obscurité, le déployer à grande échelle, total "Crime, trahison, génocide, guerre et immoralité"
Regardez les différents ministères de la mort au gouvernement;
ceux qui sont contre la santé, l’industrie (à moins d’une maladie, une maladie, la mort, la dette et l’industrie de l’esclavage)
communications (surveillance, contrôle et suivi) maintenir les gens stressés (guerre psychologique)
garder les gens trop occupés et débordés (guerre financière et temporelle)rendre les personnes stériles (génocide sexuel)
garder les gens malades (signaux micro-ondes pulsés et continus)
aliments toxiques (produits chimiques, poisons et OGM)
air toxique (sentiers chimiques)
eau toxique (infrastructure des services publics d’eau et poison)
environnement toxique (écoles, propagande, contrôle de l’esprit, médias de masse,
environnement de travail toxique de « divertissement » (anti-blanc, anti-droite homme blanc)
la liste continue encore et encore, la discrimination simultanée une diverses formes de guerre, sans déclaration de guerre officielle, les affaires comme d’habitude ...
Le véritable ennemi... est le même type d’ennemi dans ou contre l’Amérique, nous avons le même problème, le même ennemi. En fait, la technique Made with Pride in America et Made with Pride in Canada est une façon de restaurer une civilisation avancée revitalisée, la communauté, l’industrie, l’entreprise et les gens, ainsi que le vrai gouvernement, pas un front pour les organisations criminelles. Si vous souhaitez lire quelque chose de bien écrit et exprimé au point, prenez une minute et passez en revue le test.
Sayer Ji on the lookout for you with GreenMedInfo.com - comprehensive health intel
Cell phones & tracking & comparisons of various types of death…
A Fiasco in the Making? As the Coronavirus Pandemic Takes Hold, We Are Making Decisions Without Reliable Data
John P.A. Ioannidis is professor of medicine and professor of epidemiology and population health, as well as professor by courtesy of biomedical data science at Stanford University School of Medicine, professor by courtesy of statistics at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences, and co-director of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS) at Stanford University.
Website link notes: Very interesting concerning demographics, actual validated testing and counter-measures, in addition to typical reporting methods in mass media.
From the Intel of Mike King:
Once the enemy is vanquished and destroyed, the magnitude of progress will be established. For those who live by a simple code of character, that knows right from wrong, being already prepared for difficulties, challenges and problems, will be temporary. The Ture character and True Colours of everyone will be made known.
Know and recognize the enemy: the enemy is involved in : Crime, Treason, Genocide, War & Immorality, this is based on the 1982 illegal coup d'état Constitution, Liberalism and all the other actions based on that, including hate law…communism, socialism, globalism, cultural marxism, the dumbed down education trauma based mind control establishment, the fake stream mainstream media just to name a few…the same type of problem exists in America and we need solid resolution with our American Patriots to defend Freedom, Family, Faith and Free Enterprise…
Problems are temporary, True Character and True Colours is what counts:
Be pro-active, be prepared for the long haul, be unified and purposeful, be strong and courageous and that includes moral courage, don't wait for God to save you, God helps those who help themselves, accept personal responsibility and your power will increase by magnitude of intention and action…do what is right, and always be diligent to spot the enemy, even though they may be invisible, they utilize Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars…
Maybe the coronavirus got out to soon, but it is now…a lot of deaths are not from the coronavirus, they are from a lot of other things that result in genocide, sickness, death, but the event we be used against you, your freedom, independence, economic warfare at your doorstep, trauma based mind control is real, think for your self, organize your self, manage your self, or someone else will and you might not like it…and the reality is, that there has been a lot more deaths, and grief, and trauma and pain and all kinds of other problems because of the deep state of corrupt affairs, and this must end.
The predicted enforced compliance problem:
The Cash Factor:
Now, we have most people in panic and hysteria mode, like gloves on everyone in the store, yuck, cash, OMG, you are so criminal, don't you know cash is the most polluted thing on the planet, OMG it's all your fault, shame on you! Cash shaming will be the new rage, slut shaming will take a back seat (that's where the action is any way, unless of course you are in the driver's seat…)
So, according to quantum physics, this is all a prelude to set the stage for the "Mark of the Beast" cashless society and super imposed financial over control for enforced conformity…something like that…don't need bank cards either, OMG you are touching the POS terminal, ATM, are you CRAZY, OMG have you lost your mind? Hahahaha
Now look at what hospitals and doctors are doing labelling most causes of death due from the Coronavirus, look at all the financial kickbacks they are getting:
Modern Society and the War against Whitey