
And from yours truly, remedies for the Coronavirus, aka COVID-5G and what you can do for general health and specific problems.

No 4G microwave
No 5G microwave
Do not live near cell phone towers or near mcirowave 4G/5G transmitters
No blue tooth nuking your brain
No wifi headsets for fast food and coffee shop workers
No cell phone in the motor vehicle
No wifi at home or office (they are not open source either) get wired
No internet of things wifi RFID everywhere
No Siri ifi speakers, etc spy & crime, target & terminate technology
No smart meters (spy & crime, fraudulent invoices)
Say No to RFID

Say No to contaminated test kit & test swabs
Say No to faulty test kits
Say No to contaminated face masks

Do not trust liberal fascist news media
Do not trust people or big tech big media who censor
Do not trust people who talk about hate speech
Do not use Facebook, Google, Twitter etc with censor policies
Say No to those who ban alternate speech, ideas, health remedies, alt news

Do not trust and say no to vaccine bio-weapons
Say No to toxic anti-viral drugs - not only at retirement homes, but everywhere
Say no to drugs for the so called 300 mental disorders that have zero scientific test

Say No to wifi, microwave 4G & 5G on retirement homes or anywhere
Say no to 5G satellites
Say no to anti depressant drugs
Say no to GMO nanotech weed
Say no to chem trails
Say no to the MMT neuro toxin in fuel
Say no to lead in jetfuel

Say no to bio-chips, invisible ink, tatoos with kill zone nanotech
Say No to certificates & control freaks based on lies and genocide agendas
Say no to e-cigarette and vape neuro-toxin lung toxin genocide

Some simple and good things…
Zinc, Magnesium, Carbon 60, fresh air, sunshine, green tea, honey & cinnamon, music, nature, love & peace…and let the dog take you for a walk and get you out of the house…

How about Health Freedom? This can be an amendment to the US Constitution, and included in an expanded British North America Act of 1867, since the Constitution of 1982 is illegal and has been used to ruin Canada and Canadians, we won't bother with that…

Great news for America

"… pro-informed consent, pro-democracy, pro-debate, pro-information exchange, pro-First Amendment, pro-science, pro-parental rights, pro-bodily sovereignty, and pro-conscientious decision-making."

We can add to that; pro-real family, pro-true values, pro-solid character, pro-right to self defence, pro-peace, order and good government for the union of Canada, a government for the founding people….

Evidently, crime, treason, genocide, war and immorality is the real operating system of something else…the deep state of affairs, business as usual at an exponentially diabolical level…yes, all out war… Robert F. Kennedy Jr.