
Of course, if you ever heard the idea, never waste a good crisis…or something like that, well, there are those who create the crisis, so long as the sociopathic tyranny can be super imposed with things like economic warfare, genocide, fear, control, loss of civil liberties, proxy and direct warfare against…non conformists, you know, individuals with balls and brains, people who know what is going on…

Right, carry on, quarantine, house arrests, lock downs, woohooo, (Chinese translation is Wuhan) nobody move, nobody gets hurt…a great time to covertly install and rollout more 5G technology everywhere, when you are not looking, take a look, a real good look.

WHO Wuhan Health Organization : Wuhan Health Oblitaration, very funny, kind of commie any ways, right? What are they doing massive bio-weapons research, why not remineralizing the soil and growing food crops, digging wells and so on? See other previous links and read the amazing truth and reality of what is going on our great planet earth…

Keep digging up research, like look at all the globalist sociopathic people, aka, the Genocide Tribe, connect the dots, the money, the companies, the character of people and what they are doing and what agencies and entities they hide in and conduct diabolical projects that have nothing to do with health, only sickness, disease, death, pain, control, control freak genocide maniacs, do the research, amazing!

Still no mention in the news about that…what is really going on and how everything is blamed on "The Virus" the Coronavirus, not the "Coronavirus 5G Bio-weapon" or all this other toxic stuff going on….look how mass media censors and ignores or tries to neutralize the link with 5G or any of the other many causes concerning the coronavirus symptoms, which are basically identical with 5G effects and even zinc deficiency. Globalist banking and mass media are great tools for tyranny and totalitarian enforced genocide….look at who goes out of their way to censor the news on the, the connection, the reality, look who tries to control the narrative and all the scenarios, amazing degrees of co-operation with the Genocide Tribe, who does not want you to have freedom of speech, or health, or wealth, or independence, or character, or strong facilities and community, or successful thriving industry….it is time to eliminate mass media that is owned, controlled, voted, authored and edited by the Genocide Tribe….

Not too much news on smokes and cigarettes, or the neurotoxin in cigarettes, or wifi in schools and neighbourhoods with microwave towers, here and there including on retirement homes, conveniently nuking people…ringing in the ears, disorientation, memory loss, pain, not getting better, accelerated aging, failing eyesight….take a look, drive around the neighbourhood, prove that it is not true, takes some pictures, get the frequency analyzer out and check yourself. Not too many people made the connection with microwave induced pneumonia, or the problems with nanotech weed, or gmo weed, or the great E-vape electronic cigarettes, or chemical trails or even more toxic junk in jet fuel spewing out death….

We could always start more class action lawsuits against retirement home with their endless wifi and microwave transmitters everywhere…look at towns and villages, on water towers also, not just in plain site…but no, the coronavirus attack older people with a compromised immune system and health…no mention that all these microwaves are bad at all, is there?

Can 5G exposure alter the structure and function of hemoglobin, causing coronavirus patients to die from oxygen deprivation?

You already forgot that microwaves heat from the inside out and cook your lungs, performate them and cause infection which is called PNEUMONIA…you might get better, but it will be back as soon as you are back in the kill zone…respiratory shock, yes, like the two part polyurethane glue that caused SARS, that exact same respiratory shock, acute shock syndrome, OK….

Oh yes, then put the old people, invalids and other problem on ventilators and blow out their lungs, oh, the Coronavirus killed them!!! How convenient for sociopath psychopath serial killers, no crime, no jail, only money in the pockets and zero liability, zero responsibility, zero accountability…all the care workers can leave for the day due to stress and the 5G weapon system is deployed to end life, as ventilators "I had to ventilate someone" run rogue, great, all the goblins are in charge…

Since we like to annoy people, imagine the evildoers stating : "What are all those microwave transmitters and wifi doing in retirement homes? Oh that is nothing, that is the microwave 5G conspiracy, don't you know, we have the facts, we are all science based in our research, you are just a conspiracy theorist, shame on you…and now anti-viral drugs are not toxic, they have nothing to do with the people WHO died, it is the Coronavirus…."