Doctors & Scientists

Watch this video Interview with one of America's top Doctors….

Jon Rappoport's Blog:
A Vital Paper: David Crowe challenges the discovery of the COVID-19 virus

The Modern Gladiator David Crowe and the sword of truth & science….against fraud, lies, deception and bogus theories promoted as The Great Presumptive Deception Reality…sponsored by mainstream media, big tech and governement.

available also here;

For all the people who like "science & data" and "science based"

or here :

This is being updated considerably :

Ultra processed food risks related vulnerabilities:

Process foods are junk foods, fake foods and not real foods, this includes high fructose corn syrup, fake honey and much more….

Dr. Mercola - Bioweapons Labs must be shut down and scientists prosecuted

Anti bio-weapons agreements did not stop anyone including government did they? Another degree of "crime, treason, genocide, war and immorality" in a sociopathic psycopathic sort of way…. irreconcilable incorrigible and ready for the lake of fire way, that's it, that will work….

That is a polite and diplomatic way to say it eh, some people have other pro-active words….

May 29 news - urgent care for COVID-19

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) - engaged in Crime, treason, Genocide, War & Imorality…and censorship?

How does multiple class action litigation lawsuit work in the real world, followed up with a total destruction of assets of rogue evil elements? Hmmmm Oh look at the magnitude of problems when government is a front for criminal organizations, it is a criminal organization.