5G Deployment - a genocide war machine in civilian psychopathic hands
Deployment is typically a military term, using military technology…
The reality is 5G is being installed and forced upon the population for population reduction, to enforce the idea about the virus, to use pain, sickness, death and fear for forced compliance to something people would not normally do.
It is simply easy to crank up the 5G in addition to ordinary microwave technology, blame the sickness and death on The Virus, COVID-19 or the Coronavirus, get people to vaccinate (another bio-weapon) or go to the cashless society, soon in the news, people who died had no travel history or contacts with infected people, but it is suspected "presumptive cash transactions" that infected the person, within a week or so most likely…
In the end, we will need to destroy or disable microwave towers, we will need to replace genocide spy & crime smart meters and go back to honest to goodness gears, we will need to take the hammer to cell phones and all that techno garbage that threatens to end life. There is still more going on that threatens to destroy life, and that is people with a certain kind of Criminal Mind Virus.
5G microwave mass deployment problem:
In addition to this, the mass deployment of the 5G weapon system aka active denial system is a machine utilized to cause intense pain, cellular destruction and damage in addition to horrible death. Even on low setting damage to skin, such as skin cancer and damage to the extremely sensitive eyes, hearing system, heart and brain.
Additionally, like ordinary bio-weapon microwave technology, such as cell phones, wifi routers, cell towers, more wireless technology in appliances, including devices to watch the baby, which can cause the so called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, aka nuking your baby, similar to the baby buggy operating by radar to be hands free for the parent or the one involved in the death ride…
Certainly microwave towers can be amplified and further weaponized and used to target a wide or specific area, this is nothing new, for those who are already in the know, but…you have not heard or seen anything about that in mainstream media, have you? you never heard or read that microwaves can be focused and used to kill people or light things on fire, like churches, especially from an ultra racist who wants to destroy churches and arrange proxy warfare with media meddling and influence and start race wars, especially with people who have a sworn agenda to kill the infidel…or whatever you want to describe the enemy as…
Did you know about the honey bee genocide from microwaves, glyphosate, nucleotides? Or what about birds falling out of the sky? Or do you know about the massive windmill generators with their infrasound and energy field distortions resulting in massive bird deaths which are not from propellor strikes? No mainstream news media reports, right? Talk to farmers who are near microwave towers and giant windmill generators, ask them their opinion…
government and corporate sponsored Crime, treason, genocide, war and immorality…sociopathic maniacs
The 5G Sociopath Psychopath Problem
The deception and lies about masks and faceshields
- microwave 5G bio-weapon connection censored by imbeciles…